
Benefits and value of C4M coaching with Dr. David Robinson:
C4M coaching is highly relational. The content is executive level and relevant. However, the real value is in the strength of the relationship with Dr. Robinson and his wisdom and experience after giving leadership at all levels since 1966.
The coach focuses on five things:
* Clarifying your mission, vision, values and strategy.
* Finding out what you do best, doing more of it and doing it better.
* Sorting through all of your opportunities, prioritize them and focus
on those giving you the greatest return on the investment of
your time, energy and resources.
* Determining specific and strategic action steps
that help you and your team reach your
goals, execute your strategy and advance your vision.
* Achieving balance in your life while accomplishing
your personal, family and vocational goals.
His coaching involves: phone calls, texts, emails and on-site visits.
Excel on the Course!
His online Leadership Coaching Certification Course includes:
* His 75-page Workbook that includes
the guidelines and instructions.
* A link to download 30 of my leadership audio sessions
that reinforce the leadership concepts in the course.
* One-hour phone debrief after each session to discuss
questions, challenges and insure
maximum understanding and through.
* Framable certificate upon
completion of final exam.
Ongoing follow up and value:
* Lifetime coaching support.
* Assistance in starting your own
Leadership coaching ministry.
* 50% discount on all current and
future City Limits published materials
including books, DVDs and CDs.
* Rights to use City Limits materials
with proper credit.
* Complementary admission to all
C4M workshops and seminars.
NOTE: Dr. Dave Robinson does not charge for my time and services, however, Dr. Robinson does ask for a donation to our missions program. Your gifts are tax deductible.
Donation is $150 per month for 24 months which helps with our humanitarian projects.
On-Line Coaching Now!
* Introductory Phone Call: $99 for 30 minutes. Free Book: ”100 Leadership Nuggets”
Answer three questions:
1. What do you want? Your vision!
2. What do you have? Your present reality!
3. What’s your plan to close the gap between what you have and what you want? Your strategy!
30-minute phone call: $149
60-minute phone call: $199
Let's Get Started!
Call Coach Dave today:
847.417.8234 – Chicago